Hollywood United!

Vote for your Neighborhood Council

There will be elections Tuesday March 16, 2021, for seats on the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council (HUNC). The election will be held using a vote-by-mail protocol. Stakeholders can request a ballot by registering at the City Clerk’s Vote-By-Mail Portal submitting an application online at https://clerkappsele.lacity.org/NCElection/voter/login. Be sure to select Hollywood United (HUNC) under NC and General Ballot under Ballot.

For answers to frequently asked questions about Vote-By-Mail (VBM) voting, please refer to the City Clerk’s VBM FAQs

You can also see a list of candidate and read their candidate statements on the the city clerk’s portal.


Neighborhood Council board members are elected volunteers who articulate your concerns to city agencies, city officials and concerned members of the community.

Important HUNC Election Dates

Candidate Filing Period
November 13 – December 28

Vote-By-Mail Application Period
January 15 – March 9

Neighborhood Council Elections
Tuesday, March 16


Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Neighborhood Councils?
Neighborhood Councils are City-certified advisory boards made up of people who live, work, own property or have some other connection to a neighborhood. Neighborhood Council Board Members are are elected or appointed to their positions by the people in the respective neighborhoods themselves. Neighborhood Councils hold regular, agendized meetings where board members and stakeholders review various topics and address those which affect their neighborhood. Your Neighborhood Council’s structure is defined by your community’s input.
Why Participate In Neighborhood Councils
  • Become a community advocate
  • Work with the community to make a difference
  • Have regular access to City officials and departments
  • Better understand how the City works
  • Give a voice to neighborhood concerns
  • Feel empowered when dealing with community issues
Who Can Run to Represent Their Neighborhood?

You can if you: live, work, rent or own property, attend school, worship, volunteer, or participate in an organization that meets in and/or serves that neighborhood.

Each neighborhood has unique board seats designed to represent its diversity. During a Neighborhood Council election year, visit hollywoodunitednc.org/2023-seats to see a list of available board seats for election.

Who Votes in Neighborhood Council Elections?

Stakeholders/members of the community vote. Voters may include those who live, work, own property, or rent in the neighborhood. Neighborhood Councils have unique board seats such as youth, renters, nonprofits, business owners, etc., for which stakeholders can vote.