Monday, June 13, 2022, 6:30 PM

Webinar ID: 828 3698 1526


VIRTUAL MEETING TELECONFERENCING NUMBER FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION In conformity with the September 16, 2021 enactment of California assembly bill361 (Rivas) and due to concerns over COVID-19, the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council meeting will be conducted entirely with a call-in option or internet-based service option. Every person wishing to address the Neighborhood Council must dial 1 (669) 900-6833, and enter the Webinar ID above and then press # # to join the meeting. Instructions on how to sign up for public comment will be given to listeners at the start of the meeting


THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT - As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment by email: or phone: (213) 978-1551.

PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS – In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at Agenda is posted for public review at Counterpoint Records and Books 5911 Franklin Ave Hollywood Super Mart 6213 Franklin Ave, on our website at, and with EmpowerLA or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact Brandi D'Amore at email:

Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, for a maximum of 20 minutes total for Public comment, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at the scheduled meeting (or location noted in the Agenda item) or by making arrangements with our office (contact information above). As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Support Help Line (213) 978-1551 or email Note: Agenda items may be taken out of order or merged as deemed appropriate by the Board. Action may be taken on all items. To subscribe directly to our Agendas go to and make your choice.

AB361 Updates: Public comment cannot be required to be submitted in advance of the meeting, only real-time public comment is required. If there are any broadcasting interruptions that prevent the public from observing or hearing the meeting, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned. If members of the public are unable to provide public comment or be heard due to issues within the Nieghborhood Council's control, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (2 minutes each)
  4. Comments from any City, County, State or Federal representatives in attendance (5 minutes each)
    1. Presentation by Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
      1. Discussion and action for HUNC presentation of its bylaws to Board of Neighborhood Commissioners on June 20, 2022
      2. Discussion on the implications, and possible motion to file a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on City Council Approval of the request to amend the Administrative Code to return to the originally stated language associated with the special function related to NC Budget Advocates and City Council File 11-1020-S3 Neighborhood Council Funding Program/Budget Advocates/Term Substitution/Budget Advocacy/Los Angeles Administrative Code/Amendment
  5. Community Updates
    1. A) Report by the Youth Representative Jack Zweig
  6. HUNC Committee & Liaison announcements on items not on the Agenda
    1. Discussion and possible motion to approve Shauna Frente as board representative to Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA)
    2. Update on first meeting by Ad Hoc Hollywood Sign Advisory Committee – Robert Morrison
    3. Discussion and motion seeking 2/3 Board approval for Eda Halliman as VOTING STAKEHOLDER on AD HOC HOLLYWOOD SIGN ADVISORY COMMITTEEStatement of Interest by applicant: “I have lived in Beachwood Canyon for 68 years at the Corner of Glen Holly and Beachwood. Until GPS, my corner was the last place to take a picture of the sign before the trees got in the way. I would have 300 to 400 people a week end in front of my house.”Although I am grateful for the dollars tourists bring to our city, I find that the city of Los Angeles does not acknowledge the wear and tear on our streets that accommodate the of thousands of tourists who come; that does not provide supervision by park rangers to watch for smokers from different countries who may no speak English – in an area at high risk for fire; or park rangers to monitor the traffic that mounts daily, completely irresponsible. The sign brings millions of tourism dollars and the fact that the city does not help our neighborhood deal with this is insulting as well as irresponsible.

      “I would like to part of any committee or group that would like to find solutions to this problem.”

    4. Discussion and motion for any attending who are also qualified stakeholders to submit for appointment to committee
  7. Executive Committee
    1. Report by the Vice President
      1. Discussion and vote for Robert Morrison to serve as Co Chair of AD HOC ELECTION COMMITTEE
      2. Discussion and vote for Sheila Irani to serve as Co Chair of AD HOC ELECTION COMMITTEE
      3. Pending meeting approaching excess of 3.5 hours, motion to extend meeting; time to be determined by remaining items (use if needed)
    2. Report by the Treasurer
      1. Discussion and motion to approve FY 2022-23 budget as created by Executive Committee from draft created by Treasurer
      2. Discussion and motion to approve Monthly Expense Report for March 2022
      3. Discussion and motion to approve Monthly Expense Report for April 2022
      4. Discussion and motion to approve Monthly Expense Report for May 2022
    3. Report by Secretary
      1. DONE Monthly Profile Statement Highlights
        -Conflict of Interest
        -Update on Empowered Virtual Governance (EVG); State Assembly Bill (AB) 1944 Local Government; State AB 2499
      2. Trainings
        Pending City Council File 20-0990 mandatory diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-bias, gender expression and gender identity training
      3. Neighborhood Council election updates
      4. Miscellaneous Internal Updates
  8. PLUM Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair
    2. Discussion and possible motion to deny 6021 Hollywood Blvd. (Academy LA) Zone Variance Request to permit outdoor dancing and live entertainment ZA-2022-20-ZV for the following reasons:HUNC received negative community input about the lack of compliance by the applicant with the prior agreed upon conditions set when the CUP was approved. The neighbors have requested that the variance be denied as the music has been playing louder than the applicant had agreed to and outside the hours that the applicant had agreed to, making the neighbors’ living experience extremely difficult. The applicant has continuously postponed their participation in the neighborhood council’s PLUM process and, as such, has shown a lack of commitment to participate in the NC process.The variance would result in the loss of residential zoning when Hollywood is faced with an extreme loss of affordable housing.

      Applicant did not submit sufficient information at any meeting that its request for a zone variance met the five findings required to justify the request.

    3. Discussion and possible motion to file a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on Council File 21-1230 Housing Element / General Plan / 2021-2029
      Council File Portal:  Housing Element Amendments: Housing_Element_-_Draft_Targeted_Amendments_-_April_2022.pdf  (
    4. Discussion and motion for Cesar Cervera to continue to serve as a voting stakeholder for one additional 1-year term on Planning and Land Use Management Committee beginning immediately. Vote requires 2/3 approval of board as per Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2, Paragraph A, Line 2
  9. Outreach Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair – Update by the Chair and/or Co-Chair on past and upcoming Outreach plans for events, funding and possible expenditures.
  10. Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair
  11. Homelessness and Social Services Committee – did not meet in May
    1. Report by the Committee Co-Chair – Reminder that June 16th the committee is volunteering to package and serve dinner at Hollywood Food Coalition. Committee meeting is cancelled for June.
  12. Transportation & Works Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair
    2. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) presentation
  13. Non Profit, Education & Arts Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair
  14. Renters and Housing Issues Committee
    1. Report by the Committee Chair
    2. Discussion and possible motion based on recommendation of Council District 4 on process to submit a letter to, including but not limited to, Housing Committee Chair (Council District 1) Councilmember Cedillo; Housing Committee, Council Districts 4 and 13, urging Chair of Housing Committee to move out of committee and onto council agenda Council File 19-0646 Interim Control Ordinance / Minimum Lease / Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) Buildings Portal: Ordinance Motion:  Previously submitted HUNC position: 0646_CIS_02192021010723_02-19-2021.pdf
  15. Board Member announcements of items not on the Agenda
  16. Old/Ongoing Business
  17. New/Future Business


A simple majority vote by the Board members present, not including abstentions, at a meeting at which there is a quorum, shall be required to take official action, unless specified otherwise in the Bylaws  ( Reconsideration: The Board may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place before the end of the meeting at which it was considered or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and take an action.  If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a [Proposed] action should the motion to reconsider be approved.  A Motion for Reconsideration can only be made by a Board member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action taken. If a Motion for Reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Recording Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.